5th Annual NWVE 1 Mile Uphill Time Trial
Records Fall at 5th Annual NWVE Rollerski Time Trial
The 5th Annual NWVE 1 Mile Uphill Rollerski Time Trial took place Sunday morning, November 5. Forecasts were mixed with chilly temperatures and a threat of rain but ended up being perfect for the annual preseason test. 28 participants were not disappointed by the favorable conditions and hometown feel of the event.
The weather was about as good as it gets for pre-season rollerskiing. It was a brisk morning foreshadowing the impending winter season with mostly overcast clouds. A few sunny breaks warmed things up to near 55 degrees. The course remained dry through an occasional drop of rain could be felt. The wind was a big factor with a steady tailwind for the athletes on the course and some heavy gusts that tested the limits of our registration tent.
Racing got underway with a large contingent of St. Michael’s College skiers at the top of the running order. Masters, seniors and a junior mixed in to fill out the rest of the field. Most skiers elected to compete in all 3 techniques of races held, the double pole followed with a no pole and wrapping up with a freestyle time trial. The consensus from the athletes was that the no pole time trial was the most difficult.
The talk of the day was the green wheels Ric Schaaf’s skis. Ric had a solid day winning all three races for the men. His wheels must have had the right density to roll over the seasoned patina of the weathered pavement. Though as he made his way by spectators they appeared to be airborne much of the time. The rest of the field followed closely, but none were able to overtake Ric on time.
Ric also demolished the record of 4:45 set by Forrest Hamilton in the inaugural time trial in 2013. Skiers have tempted the record in the past, coming to within a second, but not has ever pushed through that threshold until today where a handful of the top finishers surpassed the mark. Ric set a blistering new record at 4:09
On the women’s side, the record set by Rachel Slimovitch in 2015 at 5:53 also fell today. Alejandra Legat reset the bar at 5:39 taking the win in all 3 techniques. Alejandra was challenged closely by her teammates from St. Michael’s.
A brief awards ceremony was held to commemorate the day's accomplishments and skiers went on their way contemplating the possibilities for the winter which is due to get underway any time now. Congratulations to all the participants and thank you to all the
Volunteers who made the day a success!